Sunday, July 14, 2013


" The Sherlock Museum is the biggest scam in the world." -Random British Dude
Well, it's not really a scam, but it is kinda cheap. Above is the official sign, showing how true men really smoke their pipes...Anyways.
The line was very long, but it didn't take as long as I expected. When we got the the front, they let you take pictures with a "Detective Hat" and a pipe. They also have a bowler. It was kinda disgusting, because some people were putting their mouths on the pipe. Think of how many mouths have touched that pipe-needless to say, oh wait, what I'm about to say is needless. Move along. As you walk up a very narrow staircase, you see many small pictures of different scenes from the many books. 

The first floor is made up so that it looks like Mr. Holmes would have his study there, and there are many different things, such as these two bottles. They must have known I was coming. 
On the second floor, they have his living quarters and some pictures and diagrams from the different novels. The third floor, being the creepiest, is full of manikins re-enacting whole scenes from the books. Their eyes look so real. Creepy.

After the museum, we stopped in the gift shop which was full of overpriced things you could get anywhere else for one fourth the price. We then stopped for lunch, getting sandwiches from a nearby shop. After that, we made a quick stop at Shakespeare's Globe, (which isn't actually his :D) and saw the inside. We snuck in during intermission. ;) It looks really nice and old London-ey, and the set was pretty elaborate, from what I could tell.

London over all is pretty cool, but it's weird being on the right side of the street. I think it was so weird for some tourists, they even had to paint the streets, because people looked, saw no traffic, and promplty got run over. Actually I think that never happened, maybe London-ers aren't to bright? :P I don't know. 

Next day, we went to see the guards change. 
The ceremony of the changing of the guards is overrated, in my opinion. They walk in with a band, play music, do some drill, and then walk out. All over the course of an hour, in the hot sun. They look hilarious, though, it sometimes even looks like their hats have ears! 

Look closely in their hats. They have ears. D:
An that brings me to the end of this blog post. you can never have enough security in London, I guess. This just cracks me up. Do you guys think I should make my blog wider? 

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