Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Schevet Achim

The last two days were pretty laid back. We went to church Saturday and Sunday. Today, we went to Schevet Achim, a ministry that transports heart surgery children to the hospital in Tel-Aviv from Gaza. We came early in the morning, and had a worship time and bible study. We then ate lunch in the car on the hour long trip to Tel-Aviv. We spent the rest of the day visiting children pre-sergury. Here's a fun picture of a little girl named Maria. She was adorable.

She had a plum in each hand and the plums made her extremely happy. It was really funny.
After visiting with the kids for a while, we were going to go back to Jerusalem but decided to get some ice-cream, which led to us visiting another wing of the hospital. Now we're going to have dinner. 

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