Friday, July 19, 2013

Castles of Dover-A tale of woe, anguish, and long car rides.

Luckily, it was other people's anguish. Today we went to the Dover castle, or something. Roughly a two hour car ride, which was made more interesting compliments of Mr. Morris. Here is our path.

Well, we eventually ended up at the castle, where they also have British war time bunkers and secret tunnels. *OOoOooHhh* Mind you, we were right next to the white cliffs of Dover. Their not very white anymore. :'(  I still got a few chunks, though. :-D

I actually took this picture later, but it's a nice overview of where we were. The first thing I did was walk over to a hill and climb to the top. The hills are actually really steep, and super fun to run around on. There was a refurbished anti aircraft gun, which was cool.
After that, me Katherine and Mr. Miller climbed around on the bunkers. We went down behind the house, (the huge cattle like mansion) where they had another bunker and a larger anti aircraft gun.
The sun was bright, and i was tired. :-D
After that, we meandered around for a bit and then went down to the secret wartime tunnels. Secret. Ooooooh. No pictures allowed, and me, being the law abiding citizen I am, took no pictures. Actually the lighting was horrible. :-D  We did that tour, which was very cool. They had lights on the wall, which projected shadows on the wall, making it look like people were sitting at the tables. It's hard to explain. If I recall correctly, we then had lunch. It's so expensive over here! Especially at touristy attractions. Today, we overlooked packing lunches.

Hey look! Inside the secret war time tunnel! I wonder who took that! ;-) 

Here's a picture I took whilst on top of a bunker type thingamaboberMcjigger. 
As the story goes, we specifically wandered towards the castle, overseen by a very charming man. 
The castle itself was really cool, and I liked how they made it look how it woild have, instead of filling it with exhibits. You could even go on the roof!
After the castle , me, Mr. Miller and Katherine went to a tour of the underground hospital. The tour was very intuitive, having speakers throughout the hallway telling a audiondrama. There were also smells, some of which were displeasing to your nostril. ;-) 
Moving back to rejoin the main group, we climbed some more steep hills, and also found our trip mascot, Rattagin. It's a rubber rat...moving on, we met the rest of our group at the church, a nice shelter from the crazy wind. It was so strong, it was a little walking on the cliff's edge. Not THE cliff, but of a tremendously steep hill
Well, to make a short story shorter, we went to one of the best fish and chips places in the world, (too bad I have a strong dislick for fish) I had a beef and onion pie, which was delicious. Kinda the end.
Hey, look, really. Boom. Eheheheh. We heard of this war and peace revival event going on, so we searched it out. Turns out it's the biggest military vehicle get together in the world, They had tons of stuff, including working tanks, pretty awesome, Hopefully we'll be coming back tommorow. 

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