Thursday, July 18, 2013

The tower of London! * dun dun dun dun!*

Yay lots of pictures! Heres a link to all of the pictures taken on the eighteenth.

Today we went to the... Tower of London! It's actually a big fortress. The greatest thing about the tower, is that they have a ton of beefeaters. :-P 

It's really cool, walking through the streets of a castle, basically. Above is a picture of the white tower, basically a mini fortress inside a fortress. The first thing we did was go see the crown jewels. *oOooOoOooh* Shiny. I snuck a few pictures. I hope Interpol doesn't come and arrest me. :-D 

An amazing sword. Basically made of diamonds. If this was focused, it would blind you with bling. ;-) 

Yay! An actual crown! Seriously, it was crazy. There was a cut diamond as big as your palm. In a scepter. D: 

Yup. Lots of bling. Oh, yeah. This is the line to see the jewels...

After that, we went into the White Tower. That have a huge armor exhibit inside. They even have Japanese armor! (It was supposedly a gift from a shogun)

Found this at the near end of the exhibit. I christen it the Golden Block! Yeah, it's not a glock, and it's not golden, but eh, whatever. :-D 

After the Tower, we tooka train to Hayward's Heath, from where I'm writing this. 

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